
Our staff present their Research work on “Krawan” from Kaowang, Ronpiboon, NST in the Regional Research Expo 2023 at WU

Walailak University and the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) have partnered to organize the Regional Research Expo 2023. The event, scheduled for 28-30 June, focuses on Research and Innovation for Sustainable Improvement of Quality of Life – Southern Model.

Today, 28th June 2023, at the central area of the Regional Research Expo 2023, Dr. Bhudsaban Sukkarn and Assistant Professor Dr.Pajaree Sakdiset from the Department of Industrial Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, Walailak University present their research results about “Krawan” or Amomum krervanh (Zingiberaceae) from Kaowang, Ronpiboon district, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand. They deal with this medicinal plant with the local people in the area and develop health products from this medicinal plant as toothpaste and mouthwash.