Congratulations! New FHEA of School of Pharmacy, Walailak University, Dr.Bhudsaban Sukkarn

School of Pharmacy, WU would say congratulations to new FHEA or Fellow in UKPSF, Dr.Bhudsaban Sukkarn who is 28th FHEA of us. She attended Pre-UKPSF training provided by WU and a Special project for achieving a Fellow in UKPSF provided by WU.

Now Dr.Bhudsaban Sukkarn is belonging to the Pharmaceutical industrial (Pharmacognosy), School of Pharmacy, WU. She graduated Doctor of Philosophy (Oncology), Nottingham University, UK, MS. (Med. Science), Thammasart University, and B.Sc. (Pharmacy), Prince of Songkla University. Dr.Bhudsaban Sukkarn is an expert in Medicinal plants and Biological evaluation.